More than messaging

With a variety of calling and messaging features, you have endless options when it comes to expressing yourself.

Voice and video calls

High-quality calls for a quick “hello” or a much-needed face-to-face

Group chats & calls

Like and reply to messages in group chats or start a group video or voice call instantly

Stickers & GIFs

Endless stickers and GIFs for every possible expression. Not enough? Create your own

On mobile & desktop

Chats are 100% synced between devices, including 1-tap transfer of calls

The New Social

The New Social

Communities on Viber bring people together —
Take part in a conversation on any topic you’re
passionate about.

More About Communities

Always secure Secure

Our mission is to protect your privacy so that you never have to think twice about what you
can or can't share when you're using Viber.

More About Security
Always secure
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